We All Die In The End

Tattoo Re-work by Annalise of Refuge Tattoo Studio in Hartford, CT September 2022

To make a very long story short this back price was done in 2008/2009 right after my great uncle died. The experience I had getting it was not a bad one but not a good one. I can remember feeling uncomfortable with how the men in the shop I went to acted and spoke and how uncomfortable I became. When it was done I loved the tattoo but not the experience.

Now 12 years later I realize it wasn’t done as well as I deserved, it was a little crooked and faded with time. I really wanted to fix it up and add some of my favorite horror movie things to my back as a way to reclaim the original point of the tattoo. 

Annalise did such a beautiful and caring job fixing my back piece. She took it step by step figuring out how to bring it to life and each step of the way it became more beautiful and vibrant and new. I became teary eyed seeing this tattoo become vibrant and beautiful again


It’s Creepy & It’s Spooky


“I have seafoam in my veins, I understand the language of waves.”