We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came…

Tattoo by Becky of Show-off Ink Artistry New Haven, CT January 2022

My connection to the ocean is deep on a molecular level. The minute I hear it or smell it I instantly feel a sense of inner peace and calm that I genuinely can’t seem to find anywhere else. As a kid I would whisper to Poseidon for waves and imagine the sun being a gift from Apollo himself. This deep mythological and spiritual connection continues to be a healing experience. Becky finished my lower ocean leg with these fluid and rolling waves, little hidden images of water and magic.

Having both lower legs finished feels like some kind of accomplishment, like my body became a little more magical with the experience.


It’s So Cute I Want To Bite It!


The Universe Send Us Messages In The Most Curious Ways