Erotic Friend Fiction...Butts

Tattoo done by Jess at Black Hatchet Tattoo's 1/24/2020.

Let's look back at my last tattoo with Jess. She's finishing my fingers and I look at her and ask how she felt about tattooing butts. Jess seemed cool with it and to be honest, we have the same sense of humor so when I suggested tattooing Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers on my butt she laughed and got excited with me. It was then that Lexi suggested Tina as the Sand-witch and I was sold.

I've always talked about a funny butt tattoo. I mean in general butt tattoo's appeal to my inner 13 year old boy who also laughs when people fart and delights in slime, butt jokes and playing in the mud. When you're a grown woman in your 30's and in a room with adult women you can make butt jokes and they laugh, you know you've found the ladies to tattoo your butt.

Tina Belcher has always reminded me of myself. Awkward, sexually charged with not direction, can't take a hit from a boy, zombie obsessed and into writing inappropriate things about people she knows, Tina embodies the awkward years of life that I have never left behind and instead embrace as part of who I have become. So I decided to walk into my first butt tattoo unafraid, wildly awkward and ready. I chose to do this tattoo without a privacy screen, without shame for my butt being on display and with as little apology for my butt being out as possible.

Jess and the lovely ladies put on Bob's Burgers so I could be extra entertained during the process, between them, Bob's and my husband sarcastically in the background the tattoo was decently effortless for most of it. Jess was hilarious as per usual, and was comfortable making awkward butt jokes with me, singing so of Tina's butt songs and discussing thongs (which I wore just for her and so I didn't have to also take off my underwear lol). Lex tattooed people the whole time I was in their room and her clients probably got the show of their lives (Lex, next time you should charge extra for being tattooed while my butt is out).

Jess made a tattoo I'd always been afraid to get so easy that I want more, there's an entire canvas back there waiting to become hilarious with Bob's Burger's references and cartoon silliness. Jess and her presence remind me that I should always sing about butt's in my head, that despite the work I do I don't have to lose my sense of humor and that erotic friend fiction is totally appropriate. And then we all turned into Zombies and did the butt dance, the end (get it, end...rear...butts hahah).


The Snake Lady


I have a Master Degree in FIERCE!