I Wanna Be Where The People Are...

Summer 2019, Tattoo by Dora at Earthship Studios.

My best friend, Nicky, moved to Connecticut after a horrific IPV situation. While it was crazy stressful and overwhelming, while it changed our lives and friendships it was the best thing that could have happened. I got to watch my friend finally grow into the woman that I always saw in her, that others never let be in the world.

Her story and my own remind me of the first birthday I can remember. I was 5 and my mom turned our whole house into an under the sea paradise. The TV had a VHS of The Little Mermaid playing on repeat (minus the rewind time), streamers and photocopies of the movie characters she had dutifully colored in, Little Mermaid plates and candy decorated the dining room and it was all finished with a handmade mermaid cake. My mom had won mom of the year that year, and it would continue to be one of my most prized childhood memories. When things were difficult as I got older she would remind me that the little mermaid just wanted, "to be here the people are", but it did her no good and did not help her grow beyond being little. When I got older my mother introduced me to the real fairytales, cautionary tales rather than women finding their men. Learning to be a strong independent woman became the corner stone of my being, not wanting a Prince to define my story, or be the reason I learned to "walk in the sun".

When I'm with my best friend Nicky, I typically remember how vital learning independence has been for both of us as we have chosen flippers to legs. We've been friends on an off since I was 14, the universe always brings us back together and we will forever have each others back regardless of the endless and vast ocean that is life. We are children when we're together, we go for long car rides to nowhere with too much coffee and silly snacks, we watch the same TV shows on repeat, gush over ginger kittens and enjoy all things childish and magical. Unicorns, rainbows, mermaids, cute foods with faces...we love it all!

We wanted to get something that expressed our love for each other, would serve as a reminder of each other and be magical. We of course decided on mermaid, cute chubby, colorful mermaid! And I couldn't have imagined a better person to give those to us than Dora. I met Dora before I was married when we were gearing up to get married. I had gotten a tattoo by her peer at the shop they used to be in and what Dora didn't know was, I originally went there for her, got 2 tattoos by her peer and then finally got my first Dora and it has never ended.

Dora designed the perfect mermaid that reminded me of both myself and my friend at the same time. She has cute arm chub, starfish and was colored to pay homage to Ursula. Whenever I think of mermaids I now think of Nicky, Dora, and of course The Little Mermaid, who started it all.

"When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world."


I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time...


Half Woman, Half Beast, All Real!