Death To The Patriarchy!

Tattoos by Nikki of Foxden Tattoos in Wallingford, CT February 2022

In January I helped out with an event to raise money for the Naugatuck High School’s GSA. A group of us baked and sold jewelry and the magical humans at Foxden did a full flash event with all the proceeds going to the queer kiddos. We raised over 3000$ and I got to see some stellar tattoos and meet the most incredible people.

While there, Nicky had these two hilarious flash tattoos that also felt deeply meaningful. Gender roles and the patriarchy are deeply connected to all of us wether we like it or not and I like so many were once so entrenched in it that now on the other side I cant imagine how I ever breathed before.

When I saw these I knew I had to have them and felt like a place on my body that cold hold the hilarity and be hidden when I wanted so I went for the one spot that I thought I’d never tattoo, my arm pits! It wasn’t half as painful as I thought and now everyday when I put on deodorant I can have an extra giggle.


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