Make It Michael Meyers…but Sexy

Tattoo by Annelise of Refuge 33 May, 2022 Hartford, CT

One of my. favorite movies of all time is the Halloween Series. Seeing Jamie Lee Curtis age overtime with her character, seeing Michaels mask grow old with time and seeing him come back time and time again, never knowing quite when he’ll strike actually became part of my own healing.

I akin having my eating disorder to Michael Meyers running around in my head, going dormant and popping back up. Over time that metaphor was what saved me. I wanted to be Jamie Lee Curtis, I wanted to Lori Strode, I wanted to survive and ironically I also wanted to be a little bit of Michael, so strong and fearless that he comes back time and time again.

I took the parts of his and Lori’s strength and created my own inner warrior who has kept me safe, sane and in some level of functional recovery that is sustainable and life giving. Here’s the thing…as serious as this may seem some of it has been hilarious over the years. My sense of humor was shaped by dark puns and cheesy Halloween jump scares you see coming from a mile away. So it felt fitting to make Michael a little funny, a little sexy and a lot scary serial killer. So here he is Michael Meyers the sexy pin-up serial killer.


Dragonflies are reminders that we are light and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.


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