Opening portals via visual stimuli has the potential to re-enchant questioning, thoughts, perceptions, and feelings—all of which can be directed into new art making. Participants in this 3-hour workshop will be introduced to the 75 cards of the Soror Mystica© deck. Two art therapists will explore how stimulation from simple card pairings and more complex spreads can be adapted for various populations in art therapy, then use them to stimulate response art as participants make their own card. This will facilitate engagement at another level of experiential learning, simulating how the technique might be used in art therapy practice. Original artwork created with El Duende Process Painting (Miller, 2012) techniques, reflect and share wisdoms that draw upon transpersonal, art therapy, archetypal, anthropological, aesthetic, and feminist-spirituality theory, akin to Frost’s Soul Collage© process. Working with the cards provides participants with an opportunity to explore relational aesthetics on intra-, inter-, and transpersonal levels. At least two cards are selected and then layered to transform the imagery, covering and revealing new meanings.
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